Bridge to Bridge at the Channon

The Riparian Restoration Field Day on the 21 March was a great success. Attendees had the opportunity to learn through experience by observing how plantings responded to last year’s flood event, as well as through informative presentations back at the shed.

While it’s difficult to provide a comprehensive list of species that cope well with inundation as it’s site-specific, we learned that observing what coped well at your site and using those species in replanting efforts is recommended. Some species that showed resilience to inundation at The Channon include cheese tree (Glochidion ferdinandi), brush cherry (Syzygium australe), giant water gum (Syzygium francisii), rough-leafed elm (Aphananthe philippinensis), and swamp mahogany (Eucalyptus robusta). Although the latter is not locally endemic to the site’s exact region, koalas love them, making them a great option for replanting efforts.

The event also covered the approvals process that must be sought when conducting works close to waterways. There are many approvals that may be required, and obtaining them can take a long time, so it’s important to contact Local Land Services (LLS) early in the process to give yourself sufficient time. LLS has a Riverbank Rehabilitation Project that helps landholders make a plan for best practices. Interested parties can email them at to get involved.

Attendees also learned about seeking and applying for grants, including where to find them and tips for writing them. Additionally, best practices for restoring waterways were discussed, including the need for creeks to have a diversity of species with varying root structures to hold the banks stable and maintain a healthy food web. Water temperature, depth, and roughage (such as fallen and washed-up debris, as well as tree roots) on the banks were also discussed as important factors in creating habitat, slowing water flow, and reducing erosion.

We would like to thank LLS for funding this excellent day and all who contributed and attended. It was a great learning experience for all involved!

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