Richmond Landcare inc

Nature-based solutions

Building flood resilience in the Lismore catchment

The Nature-based Solutions: Building Flood Resilience in the Lismore catchment project (RLI NBS project) is a pilot project that is aiming to gather evidence that the nature-based solution of reforesting the riparian and upper sub-catchment floodplains can be used as a flood mitigation strategy for the Wilsons River catchment. 

The project will establish an on-ground works program and create tools to support future uptake of Nature-based solutions (NBS) at the scale required to mitigate flooding impacts within the Lismore Local Government Area.  

It is important to note that NBS will not mitigate extreme floods from occurring in Lismore, however they will be able to slow the flow of upper catchment contributions as well as hold and store water which can reduce the magnitude of the damage on the downstream floodplains.

 You can subscribe to the project mailing list here.

Richmond Landcare

Nature Based Solutions: Building Flood Resilience in the Lismore Catchment received funding from the Australian Government.

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