Expressions of Interest – Richmond Landcare Committee

Richmond Landcare Inc. (RLI) is seeking expressions of interest from people interested in being appointed as a member of the RLI Committee.

Richmond Landcare Incorporated is a non-profit community-led Landcare network formed in 1998 to support Landcare in the Richmond River catchment, encompassing the Lismore and Ballina Local Government Areas.

We provide support to new and established Landcare groups and our wider community through partnerships with local environmental organisations and councils in the Richmond Catchment. We facilitate best practice management of land and water across all landscapes.


RLI is managed by a committee drawn from representatives of member groups within the network. We actively participate and advocate for our catchment in the regional network – North Coast Regional Landcare Network – and the state body – Landcare NSW.

We recognise that we live and work in a region that is unique in its biodiversity, and we work to protect and enhance that biodiversity among all landowners.

The Committee is made up of a Chair and up to 10 members, and typically meets every two months in person in addition to online meetings. Members participate in subcommittees relating to Governance and Risk, Finance, Member Engagement, Education and Schools, Fundraising, and our Reconciliation Action Plan. The appointment will initially be casual with annual elections for committee members held at our AGM in October. Committee members are remunerated for out of pocket expenses.

We are looking for members, nominated by your group, with expertise in any or more of the following areas: natural resource management, agriculture, First Nations community engagement, communication and marketing, fundraising/philanthropy and/or risk management. Expressions of interest through a written submission identifying your expertise and areas of interest should be sent to


For further information please call Hedy Bryant, Chair, on 0407458156 or email 

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